Volume 4, Issue 3 (2015)                   JCP 2015, 4(3): 313-320 | Back to browse issues page

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Bena-Molaei P, Talaei-Hassanloui R, Askary H. Comparison of some natural broth media for production and virulence of Beauveria bassiana blastospores against the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lep.: Lymantriidae). JCP 2015; 4 (3) :313-320
URL: http://jcp.modares.ac.ir/article-3-4130-en.html
1- Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.
2- Plant Protection Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (6026 Views)
Effects of three nutritional levels of beet root molasses, cheese permeate, wheat bran extract, rice bran extract and Sabouraud,s Dextrose Broth (SDB) were evaluated for blastospore production by two isolates of Beauveria bassiana sensu lato. at an interval of 24 h for seven days. Depending on the isolate, maximum blastospore production was obtained in 12% rice bran extract and 20% cheese permeates on the 7th day. Both isolates produced the fewest blastospores in 4% cheese permeate. Virulence of blastospores, produced in liquid media containing beet root molasses, permeate, wheat bran extract and SDB (as control), on third instar larvae of brown tail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea indicated that there were no significant differences among these nutritional media for either one of the isolates. Considering blastospore quantity and quality in terms of virulence and local accessibility, cheese permeate was found to be the best medium for mass production of B. bassiana blastospores.  
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Received: 2014/12/20 | Accepted: 2015/03/13 | Published: 2015/06/1

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