Volume 13, Issue 1 (2024)                   JCP 2024, 13(1): 75-88 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
2- Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. , razmjou@ua.ac.ir
3- Biotechnology Institute, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
4- Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey.
Abstract:   (124 Views)
For IPM programs, it is crucial to use plant cultivars that are less sensitive to pests or resistant to them. In this research, the susceptibility and resistance of 20 canola cultivars to the diamondback moth, one of the most destructive pests of canola worldwide, were evaluated under laboratory conditions based on the biological performance of the moth and the response of the secondary metabolites and protein of canola plants leaves. The biological performance of the pest was evaluated using larval development and pupal weight, oviposition preference, and the age-stage, two-sex life table. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r), the net reproductive rate (R0), developmental time, and lowest pupal weight were observed on the 1009 cultivar, while the lowest r, R0, and highest pupal period were obtained on the RGS003 cultivar. Also, fecundity in RGS003 and Zarfam cultivars was lower than the other cultivars. Overall, study findings suggested that the Hyula50, Zarfam, and RGS003 cultivars would be suitable candidates for inclusion in integrated pest management programs against diamondback moth.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Insect Pest Management
Received: 2023/10/28 | Accepted: 2024/06/2 | Published: 2024/09/8

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