About Journal

Translation Studies of Quran and Hadith is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes.
The Translation Study Of Quran And Hadith Biquarterly were established on the basis of license No. 32463/91 dated 2012/12/24 of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. According to the license No. 3/18/211277 dated 2015/12/28 of the Commission of Inquiry Scientific publications of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, from the first issue granted the scientific-research degree

Peer-Review Policy: The peer review process in TMU journals is double-blinded in which the reviewer’s name is unknown to the author and, vice versa

 Aims and Scope :
- Expanding the specialized view to the field of Quran and Hadith translation
- Introducing the principles and basics of translation of the Qur'an and other narrative books
- Deepening research in the field of Quran translation
- Creating a platform for identifying and evaluating appropriate styles and methods in the translation of the Holy Quran
- To provide a basis for solving the problems of translations of the Holy Quran

Copyright Policy: Under open access license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, and reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited properly
Contact information for the journal office
Journal Address Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Chamran Highway intersection and Jalal Al Ahmad Highway, Tehran, Iran
Journal Number 09919499460
E-mail Address mmtqh@modares.ac.ir